• Do you offer a guarantee?

    Because there are so many factors at play, we do not currently offer a guarantee.

  • How fast will my resume be done?

    Each person's situation is unique, so we don't give a specified turnaround time. We will always get our drafts to you within two business days, but we will never require a timed turnaround from you.

    Some resumes are done with one draft, some take more. We won't stop until you have an outstanding resume.

  • What type of payment methods do you accept?

    We use PayPal as our payment processor.

  • Will you get me a job?

    We will provide you with the knowledge and materials necessary to find a new professional role. At the end of our services, we will happily connect you with the recruiters at our sister firm, TDM & Associates, to help manage your search.

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